Why Beautiful People Have More Daughters by Alan S. Miller & Satoshi Kanazawa

Genre: Psychology (Evolutionary)
About:Presenting the latest research from the field of evolutionary psychology to take on some of the most popular & controversial topics of modern life in order to shed light on why we do the things we do.
My Review: One word - RADICAL. Brilliantly radical. And yes I took the book's tag line - You may never look at human nature the same way again- seriously. The book looks like a parenting book what with the title & the cute baby on the cover. Woah. Innocent but overwhelmingly radical. Do not read if you are conservative. This book talks too much about sexual selection which I happen to like. :p However, I do not agree though with some of the stuffs they talk about. But accept this book light-heartedly and with an open mind. You will be enlightened. Like me. I refuse to return the book to the library. ;p
My Rating:5/5
Quote:"For a man to walk into a bar & have his choice of any woman he wants, he would have to be the ruler of the world. For a woman to have the same power over men, she'd have to do her hair."