Conditions of Love: The Philosophy of Intimacy by John Armstrong

Genre: Philosophy
About: Love. This book discusses various theories of that elusive emotion called Love. The evolution of love as according to the natural selection theory by Charles Darwin, touching upon the philosophy of love by Aristotle & Socrates, infatuation, love as told by religion & some other interesting theories.
My Review: I love it. I personally find the love as education & natural selection perspective profoundly interesting. I love the way the author tries to simplify "Love" through various philosophies presented throughout centuries. Definitely an enlightening book providing insights on Love. But love as we know, is a complex emotion. Read this book not only to ponder about love but hopefully learn a thing or two or even more about Love. Will keep you reflecting on your relationship with your significant other (if you are in one or fallen out of one) or your loved ones. Enjoyable, delightful & reflective read. :)
My Rating: 5/5
Quote: "Love craves closeness, and closeness always brings us face to face with something other than we expected."
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