Offbeat Appraisal

Dedicated to all avid book lovers everywhere. Being told as it is. Peace.

Saturday, February 03, 2007

Author Sidney Sheldon dies at 89

"Sheldon died Tuesday afternoon of complications from pneumonia at Eisenhower Medical Center in Rancho Mirage, said Warren Cowan, his publicist of more than 25 years..."

...Sheldon's books, with titles such as "Rage of Angels," "The Other Side of Midnight," "Master of the Game" and "If Tomorrow Comes," provided his greatest fame. They were cleverly plotted, with a high degree of suspense and sensuality and a device to keep the reader turning pages...

..."I try to write my books so the reader can't put them down," he explained in a 1982 interview. "I try to construct them so when the reader gets to the end of a chapter, he or she has to read just one more chapter. It's the technique of the old Saturday afternoon serial: leave the guy hanging on the edge of the cliff at the end of the chapter."...

...Analyzing why so many women bought his books, he commented: "I like to write about women who are talented and capable, but most important, retain their femininity. Women have tremendous power — their femininity, because men can't do without it."..

..."I love writing books," he commented. "Movies are a collaborative medium, and everyone is second-guessing you. When you do a novel you're on your own. It's a freedom that doesn't exist in any other medium."...

- excerpts from Yahoo News click here to view the full coverage.

Its a shame i've never gotten around to read his books (i thought he was a she..) despite my friends recommendations, hus books catching my eye on the bookshelves.. Hmmmm..Do share me your thoughts.

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

The Best Possible Taste by Sam O' Reily

Genre: Unclassified

About: Stephen Beckett neglect his wife & children in a pursuit of fame as a successful chef and restaurant owner. Basically, his struggles to achieve that dream, to keep his family and sexual life up. He meets interesting poeple and encounter various options.

My Review: Hmmm.. Typical plot about a guy struggling to keep it together.Rather humorous. But you'll realise by the end of this novel that its worth picking it up and does relish some hope in the hopeless. Haha..

My Rating: 3.5/5

Quote: " goes on. kids to bring up. jobs to take up every wakinh bloody second. Women to confuse."

Monday, January 29, 2007

Romantically Challenged by Beth Orsoff

Genre: Romance

About: A lawyer who is 32 years old is yet find the right man. Her hilarious journey to find the right man, battle against her relatives' and parents questioning her about marriage and gaining an insight bout herself.

My Review: F-U-N-N-Y!! I like! Perfect for the romantically challenged. Sure to lighten up anyone's spirit and perception on love. Read this!

My Rating: 5/5

Quote: "I havent stopped living! I just don't want to date you. What an ego!"